Meniscus Repair – Causes, Treatment, Repair Cost & Recovery

The meniscus is a C-shaped piece of cartilage that acts as a cushion between the femur and tibia bones in the knee joint. A meniscus tear is a common injury that can occur due to sudden twisting or rotating of the knee. In some cases, a meniscus tear may require surgical repair. In this blog, we will discuss the causes, treatment, repair cost, and recovery of a meniscus repair.

Causes of Meniscus Tear

A meniscus tear can occur due to a variety of reasons, such as:

1. Sports injuries: Athletes who play contact sports, such as football or basketball, are at a higher risk of sustaining a meniscus tear due to sudden stops, twists, or turns.

2. Age-related wear and tear: As people age, the meniscus becomes more brittle and susceptible to tears, even with minor injuries or movements.

3. Degenerative changes: People with arthritis or other joint problems may experience meniscus tears and gradual deterioration of the cartilage.

Treatment Options for Meniscus Tear

The treatment for a meniscus tear depends on the severity of the injury. In some cases, non-surgical treatment methods may be sufficient, while in other cases, surgery may be required.

1. Non-surgical treatment: Non-surgical treatment options include rest, ice, compression, and elevation (RICE) therapy, physical therapy, and pain management and healing supplements.

    2. Surgical treatment: In cases where the meniscus tear is severe, surgery may be necessary. Meniscus surgery previously involved removing the damaged portion of the meniscus which would cause pain and obstruction, however, the current modern treatment involves knee arthroscopy and repair of the torn part of the meniscus with specially designed meniscal darts and threads.

    Repair Cost for Meniscus Tear

    The cost of meniscus repair surgery can vary depending on several factors, such as the severity of the tear, the location of the injury, the type of surgery, the country of operation, and the number of darts required to get a stable repair.

    On average, the cost of a meniscus repair surgery in India ranges from Rs 1.5 – 2.8 lakhs which includes hospital fees, anesthesia fees, surgeon fees, and implant costs.

    Recovery from Meniscus Repair Surgery

    The recovery time after meniscus repair surgery can vary depending on the severity of the tear, the type of surgery, and the individual’s overall health. Typically, patients can resume normal activities within 4-6 weeks after surgery. Sports are allowed after 3 months following the surgery.

    During the recovery period, physiotherapy may be necessary to regain strength, flexibility, and range of motion in the knee joint.

    In conclusion, a meniscus tear can be a painful and debilitating injury. Treatment options depend on the severity of the injury and may include non-surgical or surgical methods.

    Meniscus repair surgery is at times paramount to prevent further damage to the knee, the cost of surgery is covered by insurance. Recovery from surgery takes approximately 3 months, patients regain full functionality in the knee joint with accurate surgery, proper post-op care, and supervised coordinated physiotherapy.

    For more details, consult with Dr Gautam Tawari – the top Orthopaedic Sports Surgeon in Mumbai. To book an appointment, you can call +91 9833944575 or send an email to

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