Quick recovery tips after orthopaedic surgery

Orthopaedic surgery is the only solution for people who are suffering from chronic pain due to age, underlying medical conditions, sports injury or accidental trauma.

Often patients, who have been subjected to orthopaedic surgery, ask their preferred orthopedic doctor in Mumbai how long will it take for them to recover so they can get back to their daily routines.

Even the best orthopedic doctors in Mumbai won’t be able to offer a straightforward answer to this question as the recovery period depends on a myriad of aspects.

The best advice any orthopedic doctor in Malad west or in any other location for that matter can give to their patients is to follow the tips mentioned below –

One must keep an eye on their BMI

The best orthopedic doctors in Mumbai will recommend their patients to take care of their physical health as soon as they are out of the hospital and into their homes.

Patients who have been subjected to orthopedic surgery would need to keep an eye on their diet and remain active as it would allow them to control their Body Mass Index.

People who have a healthy BMI will be able to recover quickly compared to the ones who are overweight.

The reason is simple – excessive body weight will add more pressure on the skeletal as well as the muscular system of a person. This is especially bad for a person who just came out of orthopedic surgery.

It is as simple as that!

The patient would need to improve their bone health as well

Reputed orthopedic doctors in India also advise their patients about their bone health as healthy bones accelerate the post-surgery recovery process by many folds.

This is why patients who are subjected to orthopedic surgery are post-menopausal females then they would need to take vitamin D supplements or increase the intake of calcium-rich food items like milk in a bid to reduce the risk of decreased bone density while keeping their skeletal system in their optimal condition.

Patients who have been subjected to orthopedic surgery can also hire a personal trainer and commit to regular supervised strength training in a bid to boost the recovery process.

Committing to physiotherapy can help

According to the professional opinion of a reputed orthopedic doctor in Malad west, patients who recently have been under the scalpel for an orthopedic surgery should also commit to physiotherapy in a bid to recover quickly as physiotherapy can reduce initial stiffness all the while helping to strengthen the area that has been operated on.


If a person who recently has been in an orthopaedic surgery follows the tips mentioned above then they can regain full mobility and get back to their daily routine in no time. For more details or expert tips, it is best that one consults with Gautam Tawari – who is one of the best orthopedic doctors in Mumbai. To book an appointment, please call +91 8291010015 / +91 9833944575 or send an email at gautamtawari@gmail.com / info@gautamtawari.com.

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